
Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of CefalĂș and Monreale

16 November 2015

Located on the northern coast of the Italian island of Sicily, Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of […]

Monte Etna

16 November 2013

Mount Etna is an iconic site encompassing 19,237 uninhabited hectares on the highest part of Mount Etna, on the […]

Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica

06 May 2005

The site of Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica on the Mediterranean coast of south-eastern Sicily consists […]

Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (South-Eastern Sicily)

06 May 2002

The Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto is comprised of components of eight towns located in […]

Piazza Armerina, Villa Romana del Casale

06 May 1997

Near Piazza Armerina (Sicily) the Villa Romana del Casale was built (on an earlier 2nd century settlement) in […]

Archaeological Area of Agrigento

The archaeological area of Agrigento, the Valley of the Temples, is on the southern coast of Sicily and […]