

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – Current text

“Special measures for the protection and use of Italian sites and elements of cultural, landscape and environmental interest, included in the “world heritage list”, placed under the protection of UNESCO”.

With the approval of the Law n. 44 of 8 March 2017, “Amendments to the law n. 77 of 20 February 2006, concerning the protection and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage”, the scope of application of the law has also been extended to the elements of the UNESCO Convention for the protection of intangible cultural heritage of 2003.

Previous versions

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – 2013 update

Changes to the interventions referred to in letters c) and d) of article 4 of the Law are made by paragraph 1 of art. 3-ter, Decree-Law n. 91 of 8 August 2013, in the text integrated by the conversion law n. 112 of 7 October 2013

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – 2013 updates

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – 2010 update

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – 2010 update

Pursuant to art. 31, Law n. 96 of 4 June 2010, – Community law 2009 – a new type of expense has been added to the interventions already provided for in art. 4 paragraph 1:

d-bis) to the enhancement and diffusion of the wine heritage characterising the site, in the context of the promotion of the overall traditional food and wine and agro-forestry-pastoral heritage.

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – 2010 updates

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – Original text

Law n. 77 of 20 February 2006 – Original text

“Special measures for the protection and use of Italian sites of cultural, landscape and environmental interest, included in the “world heritage list”, placed under the protection of UNESCO” – Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 58 of 10 March 2006

At the time of its issuance, Law 77/2006 provided, in art. 4 paragraph 1, financial interventions in support of enhancement, communication and use activities intended exclusively for UNESCO Sites inscribed on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, aimed at:

a) the study of specific cultural, artistic, historical, environmental, scientific and technical problems relating to Italian UNESCO sites, including the development of management plans;

b) the provision of cultural assistance and hospitality services for the public, as well as cleaning, waste collection, control and security services;

c) the construction, in areas adjacent to the sites, of parking areas and mobility systems, provided they are functional to the sites themselves;

d) the dissemination and enhancement of knowledge of the Italian UNESCO sites in the context of educational institutions, including through support for educational trips and cultural activities by schools.


Implementing circular in force since EF 2019

Implementing Circular no. 24/2019 of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

Criteria and methods for the payment of funds earmarked for support measures for World Heritage Sites and Elements

Previous circulars:

Implementing Circular no. 21/2016 of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism
Criteria and methods for payment of funds

Circular n.21/2016 SG: Criteria and methods for payment of funds

Implementing Circular no. 17 of 3 May 2018 of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism

Criteria and methods for payment of funds destined for support measures for the elements of the intangible cultural heritage